
A Collection of Rand’s Search-Related Comics

Over the last 3 years, I’ve made more than 2 dozen unique presentations. Anyone who’s seen these knows that one of my signatures is an attempt at humor. Occassionally successful, often dismally sad (particularly with British audiences) and universally tacky, embedded comics have been a mainstay of almost every Powerpoint I’ve authored.

For no other reason than to share, I’ve collected some of these below as part of tonight’s late-night blogging series (you can always tell when I’m busy at work because all the posts show up between 11:00pm and 2:00am):

When Rebecca returns from London, I might ask her to start playing around with our collection of vector comics (originally created by Mystery Guest) and see if she can’t bring the humor up a notch. In the meantime – if you’ve found humorous content related to the world of search, please do share in the comments.

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