
A Day of Pure Insanity

I’m incredibly tired. So dead, it’s hard to take out my contact lenses (you know how they stick sometimes? Yeah, I hate that). Here’s a log of today’s events:

  • 7:50am – Wake up at hotel in San Francisco, shower
  • 8:45am – Catch cab to International Orange
  • 9:15-10:45am – Take first ever Yoga class (wow – it’s painful, and I’m the only male in the building) with Yoga instructor friend
  • 11:00am – Catch cab back to hotel (why are there never any cabs in SF when you need them?)
  • 11:45am – Check out of hotel and drive to Boulangerie for breakfast
  • 12:45pm – Desperately lost in Sonoma County
  • 1:15pm – Arrive at Skywalker Ranch (holy crap is it gorgeous!) with Jessie
  • 1:15pm-4:00pm – Tour Skywalker Ranch (including seeing the grail from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and, weirdly, Jon Favreau, who’s also giving someone a private tour)
  • 4:00pm –Β Sara from Edutopia (George Lucas’ Educational Nonprofit)Β gets me a replica Indiana Jones Hat (wow!)
  • 4:30pm – Meet Jessie’s horse in Marin County (I’ve never touched a horse before – at least that I can remember)
  • 5:00-6:00pm – Get lost on multiple freeways and streets in and around Berkeley (why can’t I figure out directions in the Bay Area?)
  • 7:10pm – Arrive at SMX West Conferece
  • 7:15pm – Accidentally call Matt Foster from ArteWorks SEO “Todd” – feel bashful for the rest of the night
  • 7:30pm – Find out my dad is attending SMX Conference (he looks so dapper in a sportcoat) πŸ™‚
  • 7:45pm – Eat dinner with Will Critchlow from Distilled (we miss you desperately, Tom) and Miguel Salcido from eVisibility.Β 
  • 9:00-11:00pm – Drinks with Gary & Patrick from Gary, as usual, shows us that he is clearly a far better search engine than Google (not, I mean Gary himself).
  • 11:15pm – Run into Ken Jurina, but we both realize we need sleep even more than commiseration.
  • 11:45pm – Bitch about social news sites with a brilliant programmer
  • 12:00am – IM with Sarah Bird (who’s arrived safely back from Spain – hooray!)
  • 12:30am – Realize with horror that something has to go up on the blog tonight, despite pain in all sorts of body parts I didn’t even realize I had
  • 12:45am – Hope that Mystery Guest is having a great time in Italy, but miss her desperately

I’m a very, very lucky guy. I hope I can repay that gratitude in full someday.

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