
And the Winner of the Greatest Living American Challenge Is…

Thanks a lot, Rand. Your “Make Stephen Colbert the Greatest Living American” contest resulted in over 150 comments and nearly 50 submissions. I had to spend nearly a week toiling over each link in order to crown the winner. (Okay, I spent about twenty minutes going through them, but still, that’s twenty minutes I could have spent throwing objects at Matt.)

Anyway, there were a lot of submissions, so thank you to everyone for participating. We even had a French submission from francois_H and a Hungarian submission from merras (unfortunately, both were disqualified because I don’t speak either language). I was tempted by Jfb392‘s submission because his site was rockin’ the Yoshi, and anyone who’s seen the Mozzers Take Manhattan video knows how I loves me some Mario dinosaur.

Okay, now for the honorable mentions. The most subtle incorporation of the link goes to the following, who are in no particular order:

Will Critchlow
Simon Heseltine
Francis Lee

Nicely done. Way to be sneaky by incorporating the link into an actual, useful post! Since you don’t win the grand prize, I thought I’d be nice enough to throw you a link. πŸ˜€

The following earned an honorable mention for their hardcore appreciation and enthusiasm for Stephen Colbert:

Nathania Johnson, who created a new blog devoted to our favorite Greatest Living American
David Mihm, who urged the Philadelphia Eagles to rename their mascot (currently Swoop) to Air Colbert
Christina Niven, who included a Stephen Colbert crossword puzzle in her post
Snoop Bloggy Blawg (seriously, best blog name ever), who swore that Stephen Colbert is so American, he craps apple pies

And now, for my top three picks:

I awarded Todd Malicoat third place because his photoshopped image of Colbert’s board was pretty rad. Second place went to Six Degrees of Bacon, who was nominated by Jonah Stein. The site’s take on an Incredible Hulk comic cover is truly awe-inspiring. Bears definitely do not want to make Stephen Colbert angry.

Β All of these submissions were top-notch, but I have to crown the fine folks at Vintage Tub & Bath the winner of our contest. Not only did they emblazon one of their tubs with a waving American flag (with Stephen Colbert himself cheekily perched inside), but they also declare America’s freedom-tastic breeze to be the “freshiest breeze of freedom in the free world (27% fresher than Great Britain).” Come on now, that’s clever.

To the fine folks at Vintage Tub and Bath, congratulations on winning our Colbert contest. One of you (uh, email me, Matt, or Rand with the SEOmoz user name) will be awarded two free months of Primo, Grade A SEOmoz Premium Membership status, where you will enjoy such perks as one coupon for a free backrub, redeemable at any time (does not come from Rebecca or Jane), 24/7 access to Rand via cellphone, email, motion sensor, et al, and an SEOmoz coloring book (note: it only comes with one white and one yellow crayon). Oh, and you get free access to guides and tools.

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