
Compelling Blogs I’ve Stumbled On Lately

In case you’re seeking some inspiration for writing on your own blog or in need of strong examples to point your executive team/marketing director/non-believer business partner to, I thought I’d share a few favorite blogs (outside the webdev/SEO sphere). I’ve just gone ahead and listed the titles, along with an excerpt:

It’s Saturday night and the Bistro’s jamming. I’m heading to the men’s room when Beth, a fellow waiter, intercepts me.

β€œI need help,” she squeaks, β€œI’m going into the weeds.”

β€œWhatcha need?” I offer gallantly. My piss can wait a minute…

…β€œYour drink Madam,” I say, placing it in front of her.

The woman makes no effort to thank me. Oh well. I run back to the men’s room. Still locked. Damn. This is rapidly becoming a problem.

I head back to my section. My little window of inactivity’s drawing to a close. Soon I’ll be bringing out entrees, making cappuccinos, and ringing up checks. If I don’t piss now I won’t get another chance. My bladder’s aching like it’s just seen a β€œNEXT REST STOP 25 MILES” sign after wrestling with a Super Big Gulp for an hour. I wonder if pinching my urethra shut in public would look undignified. Something tells me it might.

Β [this blog will be titled when inspiration strikes me]

Professor Stephen Hawking and his daughter Lucy announced plans to write a book about theoretical physics aimed at children. This makes very little sense to me, a 20-year-old college student who cannot understand physics no matter how many shiny objects it is presented with. While the hardcover book is expected to sell very well, prospects for the audio version are not very good*…

…In a daring scheme, a Greek man hijacked a helicopter, forced the pilot to land in a high-security prison, left with his imprisoned brother, and then disembarked in a cemetery onto waiting motorbikes. I think that prison escapes this daring and creative should get some kind of reward. Sure, they should still go back to jail and be punished, but they should also get a first-look deal and pitch session with Jerry Bruckheimer. I can see it now: Bad Boys III:Β [edited] Helicopter and Motorcycles, [edited]!


In 1987, Canadian photographer Robin Collyer began documenting houses that aren’t houses at all – they’re architecturally-disguised electrical substations, complete with windows, blinds, and bourgeois landscaping.

“During the 1950s and 1960s,” Collyer explains in a recent issue of Cabinet Magazine, “the Hydro-Electric public utilities in the metropolitan region of Toronto built structures known as ‘Bungalow-Style Substations.’ These stations, which have transforming and switching functions, were constructed in a manner that mimics the style and character of the different neighborhoods.”

And check out this house they covered today:

What makes the material on these blogs so compelling? Why is it that despite my busy scehdule, I’m tempted to read every entry at them?

Normally, I’d answer these questions myself in bullet points, but my girlfriend made pie last night, and apparently, it’s OK with her if I have some for breakfast, thus I leave it to you to contemplate the answers (and possibly leave them in the comments).

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