
Diversify Your Content Strategy — Whiteboard Friday

Edited by Emilie Martin

Go from basic to a more advanced content strategy with Azeem in this Whiteboard Friday episode. Diversify your content strategy by creating the right content for your audience at the right time.

digital whiteboard image describing how to diversify your content strategy

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Video Transcription

Hi, everyone. My name is Azeem. I’m the host of the “Azeem Digital Asks” podcast, and I’m here to show you a very brief whistle-stop tour of how you can diversify your content strategy on this Whiteboard Friday.

3 examples of where marketers get measurement wrong

3 examples of where marketers get measurement wrong

So I’m going to start off and make a very bold statement as a bald man and say that I think that we, as marketers, get measurement wrong, and I’m going to give you three examples here.

So if you are measuring brand awareness, for example, there are a number of things that you can measure, such as downloads, traffic, referrals, mentions. If you look at engagement as a key KPI, you’ll be looking at things like links, likes, comments, shares, retweets, all that sort of stuff. For lead gen, you’re typically looking at MQL, SQL, subscriptions, and call backs. So it’s three very quick examples of how I think we get measurement wrong.

Create an advanced content strategy

how to create an advanced content strategy

When it comes to our audience, I think we know what they want, but we don’t know how they want it, and I genuinely think that the internet is in a position now where hit and hope with just purely written content doesn’t work anymore. I genuinely think the internet has moved on. So I’m going to show you a very brief way of how you can take your content strategy from basic to even better to hopefully advanced, and that starts with this.

I think a lot of marketers are in the basic section, and that is where you have a particular topic, topic X as I’ve listed there, and that is your framework for the rest of your content. So if you were talking about trees, for example, you might have trees as your topic, and that would be the framework to branch out and create even more of topic around trees to move on.

That’s fine. That’s where I think a lot of marketers are. The better version would be looking at UA, universal analytics or multi-channel funnels, understanding what performs well, and creating more content of that based on where your audience is in the purchase journey. Then the advanced version would be looking into GA4, splitting out your top five markets as I’ve put there, understanding how they perform with a data-driven attribution model, and creating the right content for the audience at the right time, the Holy Grail of what we are trying to achieve here.

How to use this information

examples of advanced content

I’ll give you four examples of how you can actually use this information and take it away, and literally from tomorrow you can be able to improve your content strategy. So example 1 would be let’s say you have set up scroll tracking and YouTube view measurements on your GA4. Layer the two together.

You can understand how, for example, your audience in France will be engaging with your content in the sense of how far do they scroll down on a page and how much of your videos on your page they are watching. Example 1 would be a particular audience that scrolls not a lot, but engages with video quite a lot. In which case, I would introduce very early on in the page long-form videos.

You know what your audience wants. Don’t make them work for it. Don’t make them scroll down the page, because you know what they want. Make it as simple for your audience as possible. Example 2 would be the opposite, where you know your audience will scroll quite a lot, but you know that they won’t watch the videos that you put on the page. In which case, you can create highly-detailed content and then utilize remarketing to bring them back to your website.

The third example would be if you have an average scroll and an average video time, but a high ASD, which I have peddled as average settle duration. These are people that I call page hoppers. They’re very likely going to be in the research stage of their journey, of their purchase journey. So this is where you want to focus on your brand and why you stand out against the rest of your competition.

The fourth example would be people who don’t scroll and don’t watch your videos at all. I think in that situation you’ve very clearly got a disconnect, but there is still an opportunity for you to introduce short-form videos earlier on in the purchase journey. Utilize this information, find out which one of the four you sit in, and use that to create your content strategy in a more diverse way by including audio, snippets, video teases of varying different formats, and I guarantee you’ll be onto a winner and have more success with your content strategies moving forward.

I hope that in this very short video you’ve taken something away. You can find me on social media @AzeemDigital. If my SEO is any good, you should be able to type in “how can I contact Azeem” and you’ll come across my website. Very much enjoyed being here. Thank you for having me, and I’ll see you soon.

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