
If You’re Going to San Francisco

If You're Going to San Francisco

I’m heading out of town for the weekend (and an additional two days next week). We’re landing in Oakland, but staying near Union Square in San Francsico from Saturday to Tuesday. While I’m away, EGOL will be blogging a bit and watching the new comments feature (I feel lucky to have dodged both nasty comments and blog spam – the advantages of a custom made blog).

If anyone’s familiar with the SF area, particularly downtown (as we’ll be sans car) I’d appreciate any recommendations. I’m already excited about visiting the SFMOMA & the Fine Arts Museum (being, as I am, a little obsessed with both classical and modern paintings), but I could certainly use a few tips on where to eat and what else to see. Oh, and please don’t say the Google campus – been there, done that, got the t-shirt (literally).

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