
Joomla Users: Stop Wasting Your Link Juice

As we’ve all learned, controlling the flow of link juice within your site is an excellent way to help promote your higher-quality pages within Google’s rankings.

One of the best ways to do this is to add nofollow tags to links in your navigation that are for pages you really don’t want to waste link juice on (Privacy Policy, About page, Contact Us, etc).

Unfortunately, until now, that has proved rather difficult using Joomla. (Or, to be more up-front, I hadn’t even heard of any ways to do it.) However, earlier this month, Steve Burge over at Alledia released a new menu module that allows you to create nofollow links.

I just wanted to point it out briefly in case any regular Joomla users had missed it. 🙂 I can say that I’ve tried it out, and within 5 minutes of having downloaded it, it was working exactly as described. And I have to say, I’m quite excited about this. Previously, I could do nothing but shake my head at having PR 4 “Contact” and “Privacy Policy” pages. What a waste.

Mike Piper is one of the creators of the Joomla Made Simple tutorial course. He also writes about taxes and is the author of the 3-Minute Guide to LLC vs. S-Corp vs. C-Corp.

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