
Linkscape is Faster, Link Analysis is Improved & Other Goodies

Yea.. Kinda like this.

Over the past few months our dev and product teams have been busy little bees working on some pretty exciting new enhancements and upgrades to the web app. Since it’s the holiday season… we might even liken them to Santa’s little elves building toys for all the good little SEOs around the world.

We’ve been rolling out quite a few updates each week. Some you’ve probably noticed, like the Linkscape index being updated faster and faster (Three cheers to Chas and Bryce for that!), while others may have gone unnoticed like fixing some pagination issues. I wanted to take this time to talk about a few of the bigger items we’ve released recently (even today!) and a few features you should watch for in the future.

Faster Linkscape Updates

As I mentioned above we’re all in a tizzy over here about getting the Linkscape index updated quicker. Bryce and Chas on the dev team have made some major improvements to speed, so be sure to thank them for your fresh new data. 🙂

We just had the latest Linkscape update yesterday, check out the stats for index 35:

  • 38,807,464,322 (38.8 Billion) Pages
  • 360,354,116 (360 Million) Subdomains
  • 107,159,213 (107 Million) Root Domains
  • 393,701,245,290 (393 Billion) Links
  • 2.11% of All Links are Nofollowed (up 1.4% since early December)
    • 57.01% are internal (down from 57.66% in early December)
    • 42.99% are external (down from 43.34% in early December)
  • 6.51% of pages have rel=canonical
  • 62.02 links/page on average

Link Analysis Domain Report

Remember when you used to click on the Link Analysis tab and it would look like this:

Well today we’re launching some amazing updates that will help you see in an instant how you’re doing against your competitors. As an example, I have a campaign set up for my husband’s photography site. Here’s what the new Link Analysis tab looks like:

Screenshot of new Link Analysis tab in web app

You can visually see that the Photography for Real Estate site is obviously the larger domain of the 4 and clearly has more domain authority, mozTrust, etc. The interesting thing to note is that in local markets it doesn’t always rank first. 🙂 So, beyond this quick information about your site and each of the competitors, you can also do deeper analysis into the links:

Screenshot of New Link Analysis Competitive Comparison

In this view I’m looking at the Linking Root Domains, similar to what you find in Open Site Explorer. But you can also see followed backlinks, top pages and anchor text information as well. I have only showed my site and one competitor in the screenshot but on the page you’ll see all the competitors. You can quickly take a peek into all your competitor’s backlinks on this one page!

Plus, you can easily download a PDF report and/or export up to 10,000 links (or top pages, linking domains, anchor text) into a CSV file, all with the click of a button. Whee… Data FTW!

Note: This is being launched today… so if you don’t see it quite yet, don’t get discouraged! Take a break, then come back and try again. 😀

Another Note: The top linking root domain to my husband’s site is from because I linked to it from my profile. 🙂

New Keyword Ranking Emails

If you’re using the web app, you’ve probably already received one of these sexy new Keyword Ranking Report emails. Now, you can quickly assess how well your keywords have been doing over the past week. Check out a sample email below:

Now if that email doesn’t send you into automatic geek email heaven… then heck I don’t know what would. 😀

mozPoints Update

You may have noticed… or have even been alarmed to see that your mozPoints are no longer showing up in the right nav of the blog. Plus the Top User page has been a bit, shall we say, vacant lately. Well please don’t worry! Your mozPoints have not gone away, and they are still showing up properly on your profile page. We are making some enhancements to the mozPoint system which will make more sense when we release our new profiles early next year. We apologize that we didn’t let everyone know ahead of time before we made the changes! We received quite a few tweets, DMs, PMs, emails and support tickets asking where their mozPoints, rankings and Top User information went.

The bad news, you’ll have to wait a couple weeks to see that information again on the right nav, but the good news is that there are exciting improvements coming soon! I know, I know, you all are going to ask to get more information about these improvements… I promise, all in good time. 🙂 We have to keep some surprises around here!

About Us!

This is a super fun one. We’ve recently created a whole new About Us section that includes more information on how to contact us, more mozzers and our TAGFEE tenets, SEOmoz job openings, cool press and awards we’ve received, and upcoming SEOmoz events (where we’re speaking + meetups and such).

A Few Other Recently Released Nuggets of Awesomeness

  • Firefox and Chrome toolbar update, with some fixes and position numbers added to the SERP overlay
  • Improvement to the rankings overview/history to display previous ranking data during retrieval of new rankings
  • New holiday Roger on the home page (can I get a w00t w00t!)
  • Manual selection of URLs for On-Page reports
  • Better canonicalization check at setup – will check for redirects as well as missing redirects
  • Repaired the ailing Juicy Link Finder

Stay On Top of What’s New & Coming Soon

Plus, we’ve recently added the PRO Feature Change Log which you can access at any time to stay up-to-date on what’s coming up next, or what changes have been recently implemented.

Starting in January we have so many amazing new developments we’re bursting at the seams over here! We hope you all have a very happy holiday season and can’t wait to get the ball rolling in 2011. Be there or be square.

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