
MSN Capitalizes on Virginia Tragedy

MSN has found a way to capitalize on user generated content through the shootings in Virginia. Certainly not in great taste, given the scope of the tragedy. 

The page is called “Were you on the Virginia Tech Campus?” 

There is a section that allows you to share your story, as well as upload video/audio, and photos in almost any format up to 40mb. There is a separate section on a message board if you were not present, but want to comment: 

“If you were on the Virginia Tech campus today, tell us what you saw and heard. We’re looking for first-person accounts, as well as any images or video you may have captured. Your phone number will only be used to contact you for further details if necessary, and will not be published or broadcast in any way. If you were not on campus, but would like to share your thoughts on the tragedy, please share your thoughts on our message board.” 

For MSN as a leader in search technology to capitalize on this event for the sake of boosting ‘user generated content’ is crass, and highly non-empathetic. There will be enough on it in the blogs and in the news. Actively soliciting input from traumatized people is likely to (a) heighten the emotions of the event – which are already at fever pitch, or (b) appeal to the more macabre members of the online community which will likely skew the responses/input. 

While many are fascinated by these events, people in general tend to apply ‘it-can’t happen to me’ objectivity in their interpretation and absorption, which makes it more ‘interesting’ and ‘acceptable.’ This is quite simply not acceptable behavior. The more coverage it gets, the more likely it is to be ‘copied’, especially in the ‘social world’ of web 2.0. The average user of the new web technologies are tweenies, teenagers, and early 20’s.  

If you are a parent, offer a prayer for those who have lost their children. Thousands have been affected by this event, moms, dads, grandparents, brothers, sisters, and some very young children, husbands, wives and spouses, never mind life-long friends. 

It is appalling, terrifying, and well worth remembering that the police and other bodies of authority in the case (not the media) are trying to prevent sensationalism – at MSN it would appear that garnering user generated content is more important than basic human compassion. Of course, this is just one mother’s point of view.

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