
Open Call for SERPs that Need Explaining

Have you ever looked at a set of search results and scratched your head in disbelief? If so, you’re like me – occasionally, I’ll at some search results at Google and have no comprehension of why one site is ranking in front of another, or why it would rank in the top 10, period. This blog post is an open call – feel free to list keywords and search results in the comments that simply make no sense to you.

For example, a search for SEO at Google brings up these:

  • Ranking #5 – (links)
  • Ranking #9 – (links)

To me, these rankings make no sense – they aren’t authorities in the field, the links pointing to them are generally off-topic and nowhere near the range of the sites that rank in positions 11-40, nevermind the other candidates for top 10. Obviously, Google might be messing with the results a bit, knowing that we’ll all get our drawers in a bunch over the SERPs here, but it serves as a good example.

I hope to be able to take many of the comments/suggestions and turn them into a Q+A about who ranks where, what we see as completely egregious and how the algo might be operating in odd situations.

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