
Pay for Post Mozzers

Should the Mozzers be paid for their posts in YOUmoz?

I mean, I love the all comnunity free thinking thing, but when you think about it, we are all helping SEOmoz for free. Our posts end up being indexed in the search engines and when people click, they are entering a commercial website that sells premium memberships.

Where does this leave all of the Mozzers out there that devote time and skills to writing good posts for free?

Sure, not all posts are great,  but a few are great, better then some posted in the main blog. This is because there are a lot of bright people hanging around here. Should they be rewarded for improving the SEOmoz website? For providing more content so the site attracts more potential clients?

I’m not saying everyone should get paid. But at least some of us (mainly those bumped to the main blog, for instance) should receive compensation.

What do you think? Time for MozzDollars? 

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