
Search Engine Optimization is All About the Way a Naive Visitor Thinks…

This post is mainly emphasized on the simplified process of search engine optimization.

In the past and to some extent in current trends we hear about maintaining the keyword density on any webpage. Previously some of the experts gave more importance to the keyword density factor on on-page optimization. But the fact is a little bit different.

You can take any keyword and then search it in Google. By analyzing top ranking sites in the SERPs you will find great uncertainty about keyword Density. Being an SEO, what I have been observing is that, without getting bothered by the density, you should just concentrate on the human brain and the part of the page which a visitor sees the most. 

Now take the example of the keyphrase “buy television.” You can arrange this primary keyword in the following manner:


Buy Television xyz xxxxxx yyyyy zzzzz xxxxx yy qqqqq buy Television. Television(Or the primary noun)xxxxxxxyyyyyy zzz.  Buy television xxxxxxx yyyyyyy zzzzzxxxxx. yyyyyyy. xxxxxx mmmmmm mmmmmm uuuuuuuuuuuu Buy television xxxxxx. aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccccc xxxxxxx qqqqqq eeeeeeeeeee vvv. abcdefg hijklmn aaaa bbbb. abcd abddd xxxx yyyyy zzzzzzzzz. Buy Television mmmmmmm.

                                                 Buy Television)>


In the above paragraph I kept my targeted keywords to the left most of the time — this will catch visitors’ attention. On the fourth line I kept my keyword on the right side to give a little surprise to the reader’s mind while reading the contents.

Now in this case the content will earn visitors’ interest as well as maintain the so-called myth of “keyword density.”

Scientifically, the majority of human beings are left-brain powerful, which is why most people are right-handed. But when it comes to reading anybody can observe that their eyes will first look at the content to the left.

Another issue to support the fact is most languages are read from left to right, and thus human brains have been habituate to first look to the left.

Now in the above fact we indirectly cover proximity and prominency.

We just need to educate the visitors about the theme on which our site is based as early as possible (prominency: Cover the targeted keyword in the earlier part of the page).

I hope that by reading this post SEOs will get a simple idea behind ranking based on relevancy. This type of keyword covering will surely help your site to rank better and increase conversion rates and time spent on site.                                          

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