
SEOmoz’s 2006 Stats in Review

Time for the year-in-review style posts. Andy’s started it off with his top 10 posts and now it’s our turn. All data is sourced from our Indextools install, which excludes spider visits.

First off, our most popular blog posts:

  1. 5 HTML Elements You Probably Never Use (but perhaps should)
    Pg Views – 113,000
  2. How to Ruin a Web Design – The Design Curve
    Pg Views – 58,000
  3. Interviewing Web Developers – 20 Good Questions to Ask
    Pg Views – 48,000
  4. How to Convince a Client Their Site Doesn’t Need Music
    Pg Views – 38,400
  5. 21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic
    Pg Views – 32,900
  6. How to Convince a Client They Don’t Need a Splash Page
    Pg Views – 27,310
  7. A List of Every Website Statistic Publicly Available
    Pg Views – 24,200
  8. 10 Remarkably Effective Strategies for Driving Traffic
    Pg Views – 23,400
  9. Top 100 Users Control 56% of Digg’s HomePage Content
    Pg Views – 21,000
  10. 11 Best Practices for URLs
    Pg Views – 18,000

Top Referrers:

  1. Direct Access (feeds, bookmarks, type-in) – 720,147
  2. – 180,375
  3. – 157,517
  4. StumbleUpon – 60,161
  5. – 39,834
  6. Bloglines – 19.521
  7. – 17,283
  8. – 13,111
  9. – 11,043
  10. – 10,274
  11. – 9,994
  12. – 7,868

Visits by Month:

  1. January – 108,067
  2. February – 84,673
  3. March – 120,701
  4. April – 115,477
  5. May – 120,701
  6. June – 86,696
  7. July – 174,848
  8. August – 268,952
  9. September – 182,760
  10. October – 249,511
  11. November – 186,484
  12. December – 166,112

Top Search Phrases:

  1. IP Lookup – 8,578
  2. IP Location – 8,047
  3. SEOmoz – 8,032
  4. Web 2.0 Awards – 4,927
  5. Web 2.0 – 3,517
  6. SEO Tools – 2,455
  7. IP to Location – 1,887
  8. Redzee – 1,410
  9. Internet Advancement – 1,359
  10. Page Strength – 1,335
  11. Google Patent – 1,233
  12. IP Map – 1,202
  13. SEO – 1,023
  14. Search Engine Ranking – 959
  15. IP Address Lookup – 951

Top Search Engines:

  1. Google – 231,563
  2. Yahoo – 8,437
  3. MSN –Β 5,169
  4. Alexa – 613
  5. AOL Search – 559
  6. Ask Jeeves – 456
  7. Dogpile – 335
  8. MSN Sympatico – 284
  9. Blueyonder – 198
  10. AltaVista – 179

Top Countries:

  1. United States – 817,282
  2. United Kingdom – 132,138
  3. Canada – 104,863
  4. Japan – 66,198
  5. Germany – 56,483
  6. Spain – 55,678
  7. France – 54,116
  8. Australia – 43,570
  9. India – 38,453
  10. Italy – 38,138
  11. China – 34,347
  12. Netherlands – 27,452
  13. Brazil – 27,158
  14. Sweden – 20,395
  15. Poland – 15,921

Returning Visits (I like this because, to me, it shows how many “SEOmoz addicts” we’re building month-to-month):

  1. January – 31,432
  2. February – 29,874
  3. March – 36,737
  4. April – 43,749
  5. May – 38,529
  6. June – 32,004
  7. July – 47,114
  8. August – 70,894
  9. September – 64,364
  10. October – 77,430
  11. November – 70,789
  12. December – 67,037

Feedburner Stats (from late July to present):

  • 4,131 subscribers on average (all time)
  • 5,840 subscribers as of today
  • 5,387 subscribers (averaging the past 30 days)
  • 118,695 clicks to content from feeds (all time)
  • Chart below shows agents:
SEOmoz's Feedburner Chart

Hope some of you find all of this as fascinating as I do! I’m also crossing my fingers that more bloggers will start to release their stats at the year’s end.

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