
SEOmoz’s Unusual Search Terms from the Month of November

As a special pre-holiday treat, we decided to share our more long tail search terms from last month (November 2007). Enjoy!

  • How to read minds: 225 searches. Ever wonder how Rand seems to have so many eerily accurate predictions about the future of search engine algorithm changes? Well, so do 225 other people…
  • Titties: 52 searches (thank Lucas for that one)
  • Better than google: 51 searches. Meh, we already knew that SEOmoz was better than Google, sliced bread, and real butter combined (mmmmm, butter and Google sandwich…)
  • How to speak English: 41 searches. Sadly, we only offer a course on “How to Speak English with the Occasional Injections of Superfluous U’s into Words,” taught by our favo(u)rite Kiwi, Jane.
  • Barry bonds before and after: 22 searches. Sounds like a Jeopardy category waiting to happen…
  • Good questions to ask: 22 searches. If you have to search for this, then you fail as a human being.
  • Mud wrestling: 19 searches. How did they know about our team building exercises?
  • Simpsonized pictures: 18 searches. I only threw this in because I geekily think it’s cool that we rank for something Simpsons-related.
  • What is an encyclopedia: 13 searches. Seriously? Seriously?!
  • 20 questions to ask a guy: 10 searches. Um, ask them anything. It’s not like Jane Goodall with the apes, for crying out loud.
  • the incredibles: 10 searches. Hooray, we rank for a Pixar film!
  • list of every website: 9 searches. Google returns a page saying “Displaying one of eleventy billion results.”

6 searches:

  • ive got a golden ticket. That golden ticket, of course, is *ahemshamelessplug* an SEOmoz Premium Membership! Woo hoo!
  • fastest spider. I’d like to see a sequel search query called “2 fast 2 spider,” but that’s just me.
  • hot young things. That’s right. At SEOmoz we’re so damn hot.

4 searches:

  • Good to great Collins: I’d say good Collins is True Colors, but great Collins is Sussudio.
  • Gorgeous website:Β  Why, thank you! I’d say it’s not too shabby!
  • Self cannibalization: I bet we taste like spam (zing).
  • Most romantic proposal. Yeah yeah, we know, Rand’s romantic mushy mushy all that good stuff.

3 searches:

  • how to freebase coke. Rand, is that how you’re able to stay up so late blogging? We may need to stage an intervention…
  • things to do with your spouse. Oh, I don’t know, how about converse with them instead of spending all your time in front of a computer?
  • set it and forget it rotisserie. My mom has one of these. When she first got it she made pork roast every weekend. I call that period of my life “the best ever.”
  • titties, titties, titties. Once again, thanks, Lucas.
  • what to say to your loved one. Well, “I love you” is a start…
  • how is oatmeal made? By grinding up pigeons, of course.

Two searches:

  • internet makes people lazy.Β  I’d like to see Google return a one box answer of “No sh*t, Sherlock.”
  • pay attention to me. Aw, they think the Internet is people!
  • paris Hilton thumbs. They’re probably covered with a mutant strain of gonorrhea.
  • how does google see my site. Through the tiny camera they installed in you the last time you got knocked out at the dentist, silly!
  • I work for google. I bet Adam Lasnik and Matt Cutts searched for this one, with Google returning a one box response of “Sigh, we know.”
  • Why Canadians are the best at hockey. Uh, a healthy diet of maple syrup and Tim Horton’s?
  • What are titties. Ok, seriously, Lucas…
  • Weird porn thumbs. Apparently, if you have weird thumbs then you are well-equipped for a lucrative career in porn.
  • How to speak the English. The fact that it’s “the English” makes this search so much better.
  • How big is the world wide web. Oh, I’d say it’s about 650 Courics big.
  • Nambla site password: I bet there’s a fake retrieval site out there that promises the password and then busts the people who try to obtain it. It’s probably run by Chris Hansen (“Why don’t you take a seat…”).
  • How to read minds for real. The “for real” part cracked me up, as if Google only shows the real results to people who are serious about mind reading.
  • Michael martinez hardcore seo. I bet the two people who searched for this term were Michael Martinez and his mom.
  • Names to call your loved one. I don’t recommend “ho bag.”
  • What if ron paul wins? I wonder how many people were expecting a straight answer from Google (e.g., “Well, then you’re effed, I suppose”).
  • Rebecca Kelley arrested. Okay, for the record, that old lady deserved it.
  • Hat sex xxx. Not only do these folks want hat sex, but they want it in its raunchiest form (hence the xxx).
  • Things to do when your wife is away. How about hat sex?
  • Underpants gnomes. Step 3: Profit!
  • Naked john Michaels. John Michaels, I’m not sure who you are, but apparently some folks are looking for nude photos of you. Just a heads up.

One search:

  • Whats the number to the guy who invented the world wide web? It’s 555-are-you-effing-serious.
  • Good questions to ask people in truth or dare. How about “I dare you to get your ass off the computer and go for a walk outside, for crying out loud.”
  • Is crack and freebase same thing. Okay, seriously, Rand, I’m going to tell you about this nifty little program. There are 12 “steps” too, and I know how much you like lists…
  • Why cliques are skinny. Because being able to see your sternum is all the rage now!
  • I can’t live without you. Aw, thanks!
  • Complete appetizer setup. Crab cakes and prawns of some sort are a definite must.
  • Evil cattle. They’ll moo-rder you.
  • Do you consider yourself to be lucky / unlucky? Give an example. It’s like this person is signing Google up for a dating site. “Google, describe your perfect date…”
  • Words to make up. If you search for a word to make up and find one, isn’t that word already made up? Just throw some darts at a poster of the alphabet, for crying out loud.
  • How to break a tedious day. This person has the freakin’ INTERNET right at his fingertips, and he performs a search on how to break up a tedious day. Clearly the man does not know what StumbleUpon is.
  • Please stop it.Β  Aw, but I’m almost done!
  • Art with elephant on stilts. This is so absurdly specific that I kind of want one for myself.
  • How much is matt cutts worth. I bet Matt’s wife searched for this shortly after that life insurance policy kicked in…
  • Letting employees create their own fun. Ten bucks says that Bruce Clay searched for this. “Here, Lisa, here’s a slinky. You get to play with it for five minutes, and then it’s back to work.”
  • Hammer pants blog. Oh man, I’d so read this. I bet it’s 2 legit, 2 legit 2 quit (hey heyyyyyyyyyy).
  • How do people start getting famous. Don’t wear underwear. That’s a good start.
  • Things you shouldnt do to your girlfriends dad. I’m guessing that asking him for a condom is at the top of the list…
  • Why must people be very careful when using ether. Geez, I’d hate to see this guy’s search history (I bet we’ll find “why does fire feel ouchy,” “how come I can’t breathe underwater,” and “gasoline smells good”).
  • How is it anatomically possible for someone to have super powers? God, I love the Internet.
  • Ten signs that a man is never going to marry you. #1: You have a Cathy comic on your fridge and instead of a blanket, you sleep with 12 cats to keep you warm.
  • Why does someone keep bugging me. Maybe it’s because you’re on your computer all day, and your roommate needs your rent check, you lazy arse.
  • Opposing views on how anorexia and bulimia are bad for you. I like how this person wants to hear “opposing” view, like “Con: You can die. Pro: You’ll fit into those skinny leg jeans!”
  • How to make him think he cant live without me. The gift of an *ahemshamelessplug* SEOmoz Premium Membership is a good start! It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Hopefully you enjoyed a peek at our silly search phrases. We want to wish our readers a happy and safe holiday, and best of luck to everyone in the new year!

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