
Syndicating Content

It’s hard to foresee a lot of benefit to your hard work creating content when you don’t have much of a following, and even if you do, scaling that content creation is difficult for any marketer. One viable answer is syndication, and in this Whiteboard Friday, Eric Enge shows you both reasons why you might want to syndicate as well as tips on how to go about it.

Heads-up! We published a one-two punch of Whiteboard Friday videos from our friends at Stone Temple Consulting today. Check out “I See Content (Everywhere)” by Mark Traphagen, too!

For reference, here’s a still of this week’s whiteboard!

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Duplicate Content | SEO Best Practices

Video transcription

Hi everybody. I’m Eric Enge, CEO of Stone Temple Consulting. Welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday, and today we’re going to be talking about syndicated content. I probably just smeared my picture, but in any case, you hear about syndicated content and the first thing that comes across your mind is, “Doesn’t that create duplicate content, and isn’t somebody going to outrank me for my own stuff?” And it is a legitimate concern. But before I talk about how to do it, I want to tell you about why to do it, because there are really, really good sound reasons for syndicating content.

Why (and how) should I syndicate my content?

So first of all, here is your site. You get to be the site in purple by the way, and then here is an authority site, which is the site in green. You have an article that you’ve written called, “All About Fruit,” and you deliver that article to that authority site and they publish the same article, hence creating the duplicate content. So why would you consider doing this?

Well, the first reason is that by association with a higher authority site there is going to be some authority passed to you, both from a human perspective from people that see that your content is up there. They see that your authored content is on this authority site. That by itself is a great thing. When we do the right things, we’re also going to get some link juice or SEO authority passed to you as well. So these are really good reasons by itself to do it.

But the other thing that happens is you get exposure to what I call OPA or Other People’s Audiences, and that’s a very helpful thing as well. These people, as I’ve mentioned before, they’re going to see you here, and this crowd, some of this crowd is going to start to become your crowd. This is great stuff. But let’s talk about how to do it. So here we go.

Three ways to contentedly syndicate content

#1 rel=canonical

There are three ways that you can do this that can make this work for you. The first is, here’s your site again, here’s the authority site. You get the authority site to implement a rel=canonical tag back to your page, the same page, the exact article page on your site. That tells Google and Bing that the real canonical version of the content is this one over here. The result of that is that all of the PageRank that accrues to this page on the authority site now gets passed over to you. So any links, all the links, in fact, that this page gets now gets passed through to you, and you get the PageRank from all that. This is great stuff. But that’s just one of the solutions. It’s actually the best one in my opinion.

#2 meta noindex

The second best one down here, okay, same scenario — your site, the authority’s site. The authority’s site implements a meta no index tag on their page. That’s an instruction to the search engine to not keep this page in the index, so that solves the duplicate content problem for you in a different way. This does as well, but this is a way of just taking it out of the index. Now any links from this page here over to your page still pass PageRank. So you still want to make sure you’re getting those in the process. So a second great solution for this problem.

#3 Clean Link to Original Article

So these are both great, but it turns out that a lot of sites don’t really like to do either of these two things. They actually want to be able to have the page in the index, or they don’t want to take the trouble to do this extra coding. There is a third solution, which is not the best solution, but it’s still very workable in the right scenarios. That is you get them to implement a clean text link from the copied page that they have on their site over to your site, to the same article on your site. The search engines are pretty good at understanding, when they see that link, that it means that you’re the original author. So you’re still getting a lot of authority passed, and you’re probably eliminating a duplicate content problem.

So again, let’s just recap briefly. The reason why you want to go through this trouble is you get authority from the authority site passed to you, both at a human level and at an SEO level, and you can gain audience from the audience of that authority site.

So that’s it for this edition of Whiteboard Friday.

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