
The 2013 #MozCon Video Bundle is Live!

The 2013 MozCon Video Bundle is finally here. Yes, finally! We apologize for the delay, but hope you’re still excited. MozCon 2013 attendees: You should’ve gotten an email with your special code for your video access, which was included with your ticket price (if you didn’t, let us know at [email protected]).

MozCon 2013 was spectacular! This year, we moved our conference to its new home at the Washington State Convention Center, and we were able to host 1,200 people, including Moz staff and other people helping out. This year saw a monumental 35 speakers! That’s a lot of inbound marketing knowledge.

Dharmesh Shah at MozCon 2013

What MozCon goers said about MozCon’s content

Let’s get down to business. Why should you purchase the MozCon videos? We always try to give you plenty of takeaways to inspire and kick off your next brilliant marketing move. Here’s what MozCon 2013 attendees said about our speakers’ content:

Did you find the MozCon presentations to be advanced enough for you? 73.2% said Yes.

What percentage of the presentations did you find interesting? 55.8% said 80% or more and 36.9% said 50% or more.

All the details on the video bundle

Our videos show both the presenter and their deck, and we include a download of the slide deck so you can flip through it at your leisure. Or just click on those important links. You can stream or download them directly to enjoy on your desktop, laptop, iPad, tablet, Surface, Android phone, iPhone, Windows phone, and those rare Andromeda 4000s, which only work on Mars.

Our dream is that you keep pausing every single talk in order to send emails and IMs filled with new ideas to your team or clients. There are 37 videos—35 speakers + a q&a session + a special Rand Fishkin introduction—to level-up your skills.

For $299 Moz Analytics subscribers ($399 non-subscribers) get instant access to:

  • 37 videos (over 19 hours) from MozCon 2013
  • Stream or download the videos to your computer, iPhone, or Android device
  • Downloadable slide decks of presentations

Buy the 2013 MozCon Video Bundle

Non-subscribers, sign up for a free 30-day Moz Analytics trial and save.

A full-length talk for free!

Last year, we gave away Wil Reynolds’ talk, and this year, we’re continuing in the tradition of giving you a taste of one of the best MozCon talks. The New Yorker‘s Kyle Rush talks about the conversion-rate optimization he did as part of the one of the most famous internet campaigns to-date, Obama for America.

Buy the 2013 MozCon Video Bundle

If that doesn’t convince you that these MozCon videos are all that jazz, here’s a really cute kitten hanging with adorable ducks. Or if you’re dance-party excited, we have a super early-bird deal on MozCon 2014 tickets.

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