
The “Three Es” of Delivering SEO to Small Business

Small Business SEOIf you’ve ever been in the business of delivering SEO to small businesses (or, indeed, any business), this will be a familiar story to you.

You’re working away for your client. Everything is going well – rankings and traffic are improving as fast as you would expect, you’re getting some juicy links in and your on-site work is looking shiny. You don’t hear much from the client, but that’s okay – more time for you to concentrate on the work at hand. Your monthly reports are keeping them informed.

Then, out of the blue, you get that phone call. They’re not happy. They thought they’d be on page one by now. They don’t get where all this money is going. The Boss, who you didn’t even know existed, doesn’t understand what this “SEO thing” is all about. Maybe you can placate them, but wouldn’t it be better to avoid this fate in the first place?

That’s where the “Three Es” come in.

Regular reports are fine, but they’re not a substitute for proper engagement with your client. You need to build a rapport through regular two way communication, with as much face time as possible. This is especially important as quality SEO, especially in the small business arena, relies as much on deliverables from the client as it does from you. They’ll be much more forthcoming in meeting your requests when they feel that they know you well.

  • Get as much face and phone time as possible.
  • Don’t hesitate to fire off quick, informal emails with questions or comments. Share your excitement about their campaign.
  • Speak with them in their language, not yours. Really listen to them.
  • Make sure to keep them front of mind, so you’re front of mind for them.

The more your client understands the SEO process, the better your relationship and the campaign will go. But it doesn’t stop there. You need to learn about them as well. Understanding your client’s business and industry will highlight new opportunities for link building and content you may otherwise have missed. It will also make them feel better about you.

  • Make it clear what you’re doing and why (again, talk to them in their language).
  • Ask them questions.
  • Read forums and blogs relevant to their industry.
  • Make sure you read their own site thoroughly.

The number one area where relationships go sour is incorrect expectations, and SEO is a real minefield in this respect. But before you start telling them what the relevant metrics and time-scales are, make sure you listen to them and understand what their current mindset is.

  • Understand why they want to pursue SEO as a strategy and what they’re expecting from it.
  • Educate them about the different metrics available, which ones you use and why. A question I often get is, “Why don’t you just use PageRank?”
  • Make sure their expectations are realistic.
  • Most importantly, make sure those expectations are real for them. Ask them to describe in their own words what the success of the campaign will mean for them. Keep going until that picture is realistic for you both.

There you have it: The Three Esengagement, education and expectation. It’s simple stuff, all about real communication from both parties. And yes, it might seem like a drag having to spend time on the phone or in meetings when you could be working on deliverables, but you won’t regret it. The client will be happier and ultimately you’ll deliver better results.

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