
Top SEOmoz Posts, Comments & Users of 2010

Earlier this month we gave you the top SEOmoz posts from 2010 based on the total number of thumbs up, traffic, backlinks and tweets. But that wasn’t enough, and the community asked for more! You wanted to see the posts with the most comments and the comments with the most thumbs up (as I screwed that list up in the last post). So I decided to even take it one step further and see which community members commented the most in 2010 also.

The numbers were gathered on December 21st, so beware that some of them could have changed since then. Now that we have that out of the way, come along with me for a walk down memory lane.

Top Posts of 2010 By Total Number of Comments

It’s interesting to note that this list consists mostly of SEOmoz launch posts (beta web app, Open Site Explorer), controversial posts and YOUmoz promoted posts. One could definitely come to the conclusion that search marketers like to give their opinions when the topic is a bit controversial! I also love to see that 2 of the posts in this category started in YOUmoz. Wahoo! Let’s take a look at the posts that got the most comments this year.

1. New SEOmoz Web App Now in Beta for PRO Members
August 11th, 2010 – Posted by randfish

2. I’m Getting More Worried about the Effectiveness of Webspam
August 17th, 2010 – Posted by randfish

3. Whiteboard Friday – We Bought Links and It Worked!!
June 24th, 2010 – Posted by Scott Willoughby

4. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Google’s Rankings are Remarkably Well Correlated
September 6th, 2010 – Posted by randfish

5. One Giant Leap for Link Data: Announcing Open Site Explorer + Page/Domain Authority Metrics
January 20th, 2010 – Posted by randfish

6. SEO Chrome Extension – Comprehensive View of Page and Domain Data
February 23rd, 2010 – Posted by neopunisher

7. All Links are Not Created Equal: 10 Illustrations on Search Engines’ Valuation of Links
May 27th, 2010 – Posted by randfish

8. Link Building 101 – The Almost Complete Link Guide
September 14th, 2010 – Posted by scott.mclay

9. A Recommendation for Google’s Webspam Team
December 1st, 2010 – Posted by randfish

10. It’s Only A Clique If You’re Not In It
January 26th, 2010 – Posted by Dr. Pete


Top Comments of 2010 by Thumbs Up

Ok so in the last post, we looked at top posts based on the number of thumbs up it received, but what about those comments? Who writes comments so eloquent that people can’t wait to thumb it up? Well since 5 out of the 10 comments are from Rand and Jane, I’d say they do. 🙂

1. randfish | March 3rd, 2010
Using Anchor Links to Make Google Ignore The First Link

2. Jane Copland | January 26th, 2010

It’s Only A Clique If You’re Not In It

3. audilo | September 10th, 2010
Discussing LDA and SEO – Whiteboard Friday

4. MOGmartin | June 25th, 2010
Whiteboard Friday – We Bought Links and It Worked!!

5. Mike Coughlin | June 25th, 2010
Whiteboard Friday – We Bought Links and It Worked!!

6. gfiorelli1 | September 10th, 2010
Who’s Ready to Get Googley?

7. Jane Copland | June 25th, 2010
Whiteboard Friday – We Bought Links and It Worked!!

8. randfish | September 16th, 2010
LDA correlation 0.17 not 0.32

9. Jane Copland | January 12th, 2010
An Update to Our Testing on PageRank Sculpting with Nofollow

10. Ann Smarty | September 16th, 2010
4 Valuable Link Building Services (Zemanta, MyBlogGuest, EightfoldLogic & Whitespark)

Top Users of 2010 By Total Comments

Whew! This list of Top Users is based on the total number of comments they’ve made in 2010. I’ve removed employees and Associates from this list as we all comment quite a bit, and have added the member’s mozPoint total and rank amongst all users. These members need a huge round of applause for the amazing number of comments they’ve made both on the main blog and in YOUmoz this year! Thank you all for your contributions. 🙂

6. Tola

mozPoints: 328 | Rank: 90

9. Stephen

mozPoints: 499 | Rank: 53

Now we all know that goodnewscowboy and gfiorelli1 comment a lot, but wow over 1,000 comments each? I’d say they win some sort of prize… any ideas?

So which were your favorite posts, comments or even members from this last year? Personally I’ll never forget when Gillian wrote this excellent post about digging deeper into analytics but sadly when I added the post to Facebook, the title got cut off at a horrible (no, I mean HORRIBLE) spot. Thanks to our friend hoodwebmgmt who saved a screenshot from Facebook and posted it in the comments, you can see my ridiculous mistake. Oh and the screenshot only shows about 1/4 of the total comments on the Facebook thread. 🙂 I do however still break down into tears laughing about this whenever I tell the story. 🙂 Now… your turn!

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