
Want a Free SEOmoz PRO Account? Prove It!

Hey, hey, Mozzers. I’m invading SEOmoz!  Muahaha! [looks around]  Okay, being on the inside actually feels a little weird. Let’s just do this.  I guess I’ll introduce myself: I’m Lisa Barone and during the day I hang out at Outspoken Media, an Internet marketing company I recently founded with partners in crime Rhea Drysdale and Rae Hoffman. We kick ass. But this post isn’t about them. It’s about me.

I’m a winner! Last week during SMX West I won a free one year SEOmoz PRO subscription at the IM Charity Party held at Yahoo HQ (enough name drops in there for ya?). The experience was both life changing and terrifying. Actually, I still have goosebumps. The thing is, I’m not a real SEO. I just blog about them on the Internet. Given that, I felt a little guilty about my win. And when I got home, I decided to email Rand and offer the prize back to him so he could find it a more deserving owner.  After a few emails back and forth, Rand, Rebecca and I decided it’d be fun to not only give it away, but to make you guys work for it! So here I am offering it up to you, one loyal SEOmoz reader, to have and to hold for as long as you both shall live. Or at least for the next 12 months, because that’s how long it’s good for.Getting the key to unlock the SEOmoz PRO area is pretty sweet and gives you access to all of the following:

  • SEOmoz PRO Tools
  • Eight elite PRO Guides
  • The Q+A and knowledge base
  • Super secret SEO tips
  • PRO Training Videos
  • A date with Rand or Rebecca at your next family or work function so you can stop being ridiculed for showing up stag.

You get all the tools, all the content, all the video, and all the bragging rights. Sounds juicy, right?

Hells yes.

So here’s the deal: If you want my subscription, I want to know why. I challenge you to leave a comment here and tell me why you want it, what you’re going to do with it, how it will help you in your pursuit to become a better SEO, and/or your best sob story about how your mother never loved you. The most compelling answer gets the membership and my eternal admiration. The rest of you losers are stuck scraping the information yourselves and trying to get Google engineers drunk at conferences. Suckas!

Speaking of sucking, kissing up to me in your response is also encouraged, as I’ll be the one judging your “entries.” I can’t promise it’ll help your chances, but it’ll make me feel good while I read them. So, get to it and tell me why you deserve my membership. And if you know someone you think could benefit, hurry up and get them over to SEOmoz. You have til Wednesday, February 25 to give me your best pitch. This is a chance to get into the heart of SEOmoz for absolutely nothing. That’s something no search marketer should be passing up. May the force be with you, Mozzers!

UPDATE from Rebecca: Lisa has chosen the winner of the year-long PRO membership, and it’s jamib. Congratulations, Jami!

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