
Werewolves, Search Spam & Custom Cards – If You Are Going to Pubcon, Do Not Miss This

UPDATE:  The party filled up very quickly so Reservations are now closed. Those of you wondering if you registered successfully can search for your name on this list. We’re looking forward to seeing you all there!

Next week, at Las Vegas’ Pubcon Conference, SEOmoz is throwing a whole new kind of party. In the past, we’ve had tons of fun playing the parlor game, Werewolf (description & rules here), with Googlers, SEOs, Black Hats & industry mavens. It’s the perfect combination of deceit, guile and yelling across a table. However, we’ve always felt that lynching villagers and biting victims was a little too 13th century for our tastes. Thus, we’ve updated the game of Werewolf with new cards, caricatures of popular industry figures and new titles and called it…

Search Spam!

SEOmoz's Search Spam Werewolf Cards

In all, we’ve created 24 cards with caricatures of many favorite SEO personalities, given them clever titles, assigned them white hats, black hats (Rae insisted on being a black hat, so we had to oblige) and the powers to re-include or discover spammers.

To find out who the other 21 participants are, and to get your very own set of Search Spam cards (limited print run!), you’ll need to attend SEOmoz’s Werewolf/Search Spam party (detail page) on Wednesday, December 5 from 8-10pm in the South Hall during Pubcon next week. Registration and space is, sadly, limited to 200 participants (plus special guests, including many of those caricatured), so we’ve created a registration form that you can fill out here on SEOmoz’s website:

REGISTER for the SEOmoz Pubcon Werewolf/Search Spam Party

We will be providing some drinks and possibly food as well (Scott’s still working on all the details), and the party’s right after Google’s cocktail networking event, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to grab your beverage of choice ahead of time. Our friends over at Superb Hosting will be giving away a year of dedicated hosting to be raffled off during the party as well – more details on that to come.

Hope to see you all there!

p.s. For those who might have a tough time reading the small print, Barry Schwartz’s card marks him as a ‘White Hat of the Roundtable,” Rae Hoffman notes that you should “Never Mess with a Woman in a Black Hat,” and Natala Menezes, in an ode to her furry companion, is a “White Hat, Cuba-ist.” Credit to Mystery Guest for most of the titles.

p.p.s. We loved the caricature concept so much that we’ve also gone for new business cards like these:

Rand's Business Card

Make sure to ask any mozzers you run into at the conference for a card and check us out in illustrated form 🙂

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