
What is SEOmoz Planning?

What is SEOmoz Planning?

SEOmoz is re-launching around the end of next week with a slightly updated look and feel, along with some other new items, which I’ve listed below:

  • The SEO Tools will have 2 dedicated servers to reduce wait times
  • A new link pricing tool is complete and awaiting the re-launch
  • SEOmoz will be serving several banner-style ads to help pay for the new servers and the development of the tools
  • Tools will require a free membership and the submission of a Google, Yahoo! & Amazon API key so we can get data within the SE’s TOS
  • An expanded list of blogs, forums and many other resources for SEOs in the external resources section
  • Categorization of blog entries so you can more easily track down old posts
  • Greater accuracy and fewer errors and dropped data in the tools
  • A new SEM Exam that will be more serious, longer and more intricate than the short SEO Quiz from 2 weeks ago
  • Oh.. and a slightly updated logo (shown here)

That’s a lot of new stuff, and I’m sure there’s plenty I’ve forgotten. At this time, we still will not be offering posting comments on blog entries, tools or articles, but this could change soon.

If your company is interested in serving a banner ad on SEOmoz starting soon, please contact Rand.

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