
What We Can Learn about Going Viral from the Google and YouTube Integration

Ever since Google+ integrated with YouTube comments back in September, there has been a string of crude complaints with very few positive voices found in the middle. User opinions (along with the videos and content to match) have gone viral and make us all stop and think. Sure, we might have our own opinions, but is there anything we can learn from this unique situation? People have been fighting authority since the beginning of time, but now that search and social are in the picture, the spotlight is on the importance of viral content.

Probably the most interesting part of the whole situation is a music video about the subject that was created by Emma Blackery. The video went viral instantly and has only added fuel to the fire (but after all, isn’t this what you want from a viral video? More on that later. First: A quick overview of the integration.

A Quick Overview of the Google+ and YouTube Integration

If you haven’t heard about this most recent update, check out this article from TechCrunch that explains all of the different features and reasonings behind the new changes in detail. For the purposes of discussing the viral lessons behind the ordeal, all you need to know are the basics:

  • In order to post a comment on YouTube, you now need to have your personal Google+ profile attached to your YouTube account.
  • Comments will now be sorted by relevance with those who are in your circles (your friends) or celebrities showing up above whomever commented most recently.
  • The YouTube video creator can now moderate all comments easier through tools that block certain words or auto-approving comments that come from certain people.

The idea behind the changes was to help clean up YouTube comments, keep the comments more organized, and help users have a better experience by only seeing comments that are relevant to them. Of course, we can’t deny that Google is also benefiting because this helps them gather more data about an individual if his/her Google+ profile is attached to their YouTube engagement. Most of the new features are already in full swing, but the rest will be rolling out over the next few weeks.

Emma Blackery YouTube Video on the Subject Goes Viral

This is where the viral lessons really come into play. Musician Emma Blackery decided to create a video (very appropriate) about how much she hates the new integration that Google is forcing upon users. You can find the video here. As of today, November 14, the video has 1,091,779 views and 14,023 comments (editor’s note: by December 10th, it had 1,679,346 views and 15,467 comments). Many of the comments even have a few little graphics that shows that the person commenting supports Blackery’s stance. The images look like this:

Blackery has all of the lyrics written right under the YouTube video for anyone who wants to sing or read along. Her lyrics are certainly not for children, but they seemed to fair just fine during this debate. A few of the lyrics include:

“You’ve ruined our site and called it integration

I’m writing this song to vent our frustration

F*** you, Google Plus

Your website can get f*****

If it was gonna ‘work’ it would’ve happened by now

Maybe ask Yahoo to fix it somehow?”

So has anything else gone viral? The YouTube Product Forum has gotten more attention lately, which has spurred others to go check out all of the outrageous comments (or maybe add some of their own). According to Marketing Land, the forum saw 900 new topics regarding the issue in just 24 hours. It’s not necessarily a campaign or marketing initiative, but it’s true—a conversation can go viral.

Viral Content and Video Takeaways from the Google+ and YouTube Integration Reaction

Whether you agree with the video or agree with the integration or not, there is no denying that there are some really interesting viral content tips going on that small businesses can really take to heart. Consider a few of the things the Blackery video did perfectly.

  1. Be Timely and Relevant. This is a no-brainer. Her video about the new initiative came at a time when people were feeling outraged about that new initiative.
  2. Go Over-the-Top. She wasn’t scared and she didn’t hold back. This can certainly crash and burn, but if you’re smart about it and you have a couple of the other points on this list going for you, it can be just what you need to go viral.
  3. Challenge Authority. People challenge authority all the time, which might be the reason why people love to see it so much. This goes back to the “not being afraid” vibe that a viral campaign gives off. If something is not being afraid of authority, even better.
  4. Quality Matters. Blackery’s song was incredibly catching, she has a great voice, and she sang that song with passion. Not only that, but the filming is done nicely and incorporates different scenes to keep things interesting (her drinking coffee, holding up signs, etc.).
  5. Have a Call to Action. In her song as well as in the description of the video, she lets viewers know what they can/should do. She says, “If you liked this video then please subscribe; Don’t forget to give plus one if you enjoyed.” Not only does she have a great call to action, but it’s also done in a clever way. You have to hear that call to action whether you want to or not, which is essentially the best thing a company (or in this case individual) can do for the cause.
  6. Lasting Potential. Not only does she have a call to action in her lyrics and description, she puts the ukulele cords at the bottom of the post in case people want to sing it on their own time or keep the song going.
  7. Mention the Competition. She mentions the idea that maybe Yahoo, Google’s competitor, could fix the problem. Nothing like getting viewers stirred up and even more behind the video by creating a low blow to the problem (Google) that everyone agrees upon.
  8. Leave No Room for Confusion. She has the lyrics displayed on the actual video and in her description so views never miss a beat.

In my eyes, Blackery couldn’t have created a more perfect video if going viral was her goal (and she’s mad, of course it was her goal). In some instances I agree with what Google was trying to do, but I still love this video, I still love Emma, and I’m still going to share this song—that’s a perfect campaign.

Do you think Blackery did a good job creating a viral campaign? Aside from just lesson on viral content, what lessons have you taken from the Google+ and YouTube integration debacle? Let us know your story and your thoughts in the comments below.

Photo Credit: screenshot

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