
Whiteboard Friday – Natasha Robinson of Fox Interactive on Enterprise SEO, the Microsoft/Yahoo! deal and Online Display Advertising

Scott Willoughby

The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

This week, Rand interviews Fox Interactive’s own Natasha Robinson. These two spend time talking about the challenges in managing gargantuan properties like those run by Fox (MySpace, IGN, RottenTomatoes, AskMen, American Idol, etc.) as well as the possible ramifications of the possible Microsoft/Yahoo! deal.

As Natasha points out in the video, when you manage sites of this magnitude, small changes like tweaking title tags, can mean MILLIONS more visitors every month! It may all be relative but good SEO is good SEO (no, I’m not saying that title tags are the end-all-be-all, it’s just an example).

They also discuss Natasha’s amazingly awesome MySpace page (who knew such a thing was possible, right?), the possible future of search (will Cuill be hot?), and a special appearance Rand will make next week that will either give you a big, warm, fuzzy feeling or induce groans, depending on your perspective.

UPDATE From Rand: I thought I’d add some links relevant to our discussion.

Many thanks to Natasha for stopping by – it’s not often we get to talk to someone of her caliber and position!

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